1 In a first series of experiments, male Long Evans rats were chronically instrumented for the measurement of internal carotid blood flow and systemic arterial blood pressure; cardiovascular changes were assessed during and after 30min infusions of human a-calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) (0.06 and 0.6 nmol h 1), or nimodipine (60 and 600 nmol hV ) or human a-CGRP plus nimodipine. The effects of human a-CGRP or nimodipine on internal carotid vasoconstriction induced by endothelin-1 were also measured.2 Human a-CGRP (0.06nmolh-') caused a small (+15%), transient increase in internal carotid blood flow and a tachycardia (+ 33 beats min-1), but no change in mean blood pressure. Nimodipine (60 nmol h-) caused a brief internal carotid hyperaemia (+16%) but no changes in blood pressure or heart rate. However, concurrent administration of human a-CGRP (0.06nmolh-1) and nimodipine (60nmolh-1) caused a sustained increase in internal carotid blood flow (+40%) unaccompanied by significant changes in heart rate or blood pressure.3 Human a-CGRP at a dose of 0.6 nmol h-' or nimodipine at a dose of 600 nmol h-1 caused substantial reductions in internal carotid vascular resistance (-43 and -40%, respectively); concurrent administration of these doses did not have an additive vasodilator effect. 4 Infusion of endothelin-1 (1.2nmolhV1) for 20min caused incremental constriction of the internal carotid vascular bed; human a-CGRP infusion (0.6 and 6.0nmolh-1) begun tOmin after the onset of endothelin-1 infusion reversed this effect (dose-dependently); nimodipine (600nmolh-1) also caused a substantial attenuation of the effects of endothelin-1. 5 In a second series of experiments the haemodynamic effects of human a-CGRP and/or nimodipine were assessed in rats chronically instrumented for the measurement of renal, superior mesenteric and hindquarters blood flow together with systemic arterial blood pressure.6 Administration of human a-CGRP (0.06 nmol h-') alone or in conjuction with nimodipine (60nmolh-1) had no significant effects on renal or superior mesenteric vascular resistances, although there was a slight hindquarters vasodilatation. Human a-CGRP at a dose of 0.6 nmol -1 caused hypotension, tachycardia and reductions in renal and superior mesenteric blood flows, together with a marked (+31% maximum) hindquarters hyperaemia. Nimodipine at a dose of 600 nmol h-1 caused hypotension, tachycardia and a reduction (-34%) in renal blood flow; mesenteric blood flow was unchanged and there was an increase in hindquarters flow (+ 59%). 7 Concurrent administration of human a-CGRP (0.6 nmol h 1) and nimodipine (600 nmol h') did not have an additive hypotensive effect or an enhanced hindquarters hyperaemic effect, but was associated with a marked impairment of renal blood flow (-48%). 8 The present results indicate that concurrent administration of low doses of human a-CGRP and nimodipine might be particularly helpful in the acute treatment of patients with cerebral vasospasm and impaired renal perfusion, since this intervention imp...