Two-to-one (2-to-1) mappings over finite fields play an important role in symmetric cryptography. In particular they allow to design APN functions, bent functions and semi-bent functions. In this paper we provide a systematic study of two-to-one mappings that are defined over finite fields. We characterize such mappings by means of the Walsh transforms. We also present several constructions, including an AGWlike criterion, constructions with the form of x r h(x (q−1)/d ), those from permutation polynomials, from linear translators and from APN functions. Then we present 2-to-1 polynomial mappings in classical classes of polynomials: linearized polynomials and monomials, low degree polynomials, Dickson polynomials and Muller-Cohen-Matthews polynomials, etc. Lastly, we show applications of 2-to-1 mappings over finite fields for constructions of bent Boolean and vectorial bent functions, semi-bent functions, planar functions and permutation polynomials. In all those respects, we shall review what is known and provide several new results.