As so ci ate ed i tor: Stanis³aw Wo³kowicz The Lower Perm ian Walchia shale of the Intrasudetic Ba sin is lac us trine sed i ment en riched in or ganic mat ter and base metals. Rock-Eval geo chem i cal anal y sis was con ducted on 110 drill-core rock sam ples of the Walchia shale in or der to char acter ize the quan tity, ge netic type and ma tu rity of dis persed or ganic mat ter. Con cen tra tions of U, Th, Cu, Ni, V, Pb, Zn, Co, Mo, Cr, P, S and Fe were de ter mined and mi cro scopic stud ies to rec og nize min eral com po si tion were per formed on se lected sam ples. Or ganic mat ter of the Walchia shale is im ma ture and dom i nated by ter res trial type III kerogen with an ad mix ture of plank tonic type II kerogen. The Walchia shale is gen er ally poor source rock, but some parts of the pro file ex hibit good and even ex cel lent hy dro car bon po ten tial. The av er age con cen tra tions of an a lysed met als are higher than the av er age re ported for black shales. The con cen tra tions of base met als do not cor re late with TOC con tents, sug gest ing that their pres ence is asso ci ated with in or ganic fea tures of the Walchia shale or they could have been re lated pri mar ily to or ganic mat ter which was sub se quently ox i dized and al tered. Ura nium may be partly as so ci ated with phos phates. Re sults of mi cro scopic in ves ti gations re vealed the lack of de tect able ra dio ac tive min er als, abun dance of framboidal py rite, and prev a lent ga lena, sphalerite and chal co py rite.