“…More ex plic itly, the plank tonic foraminiferal fos sil re cord is of great im por tance to our un der stand ing palaeoceanography and re gional or global cli ma tic change through time, as they are sen si tive in di ca tors of sur face and near-sur face wa ter con di tions. On the other hand, Mg/Ca in ben thic foraminiferal spe cies has been used for ex am ple to rec og nize deep-sea temper a ture (T) changes (Mar tin et al, 2002;Marchitto et al, 2007) and Ce no zoic evo lu tion of global ice vol ume (Lear et al, 2002). Un for tu nately, data in ter pre ta tion and palaeoenvironmental recon struc tions still re main very chal leng ing, re flect ing the in complete knowl edge of the ecol ogy, phys i ol ogy and life cy cles in mod ern foraminifers, which can only be ob tained through field and lab o ra tory ob ser va tions (e.g., Bijma et al, 1990;Spero et al, 1997Spero et al, , 2015Rus sell et al, 2004).…”