Herein, we have synthesized an enantiomerically pure propeller-shaped PAH, C 90 H 48 ,p ossessing three [7]helicene and three [5]helicene subunits. This compound can be obtained in gram quantities in as traightforward manner. Thep hotophysical and chiroptical properties were investigated using UV/Vis absorption and emission, opticalr otation and circular dichroism spectroscopy,s upported by DFT calculations. The nonlinear opticalp roperties were investigated by two-photon absorption measurements using linearlya nd circularly polarized light.T he extremely twisted structure and packing of the homochiral compound werei nvestigated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis.Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this articlecan be found under: 5. Experimental (blue line, c = 1.4 10 À5 m)and calculated (black vertical lines and gray line, TD-DFT/B3LYP/6-31G(d,p)) ECD spectrumo f (M,M,M,P,P,P)-3 in chloroform.Figure 6. One-photon (blue lines) and two-photon (red lines) absorption spectra of( M,M,M,P,P,P)-3 in THF (solid line) and toluene(dottedl ine).