Abstract. A space X is said to have the Menger property if for every sequence {U n : n ∈ ω} of open covers of X, there are finite subfamilies V n ⊂ U n (n ∈ ω) such that n∈ω V n is a cover of X. Let i : S → R be the identity map from the Sorgenfrey line onto the real line and let X S = i −1 (X) for X ⊂ R. Lelek noted in 1964 that for every Lusin set L in R, L S has the Menger property. In this paper we further investigate Menger subsets of the Sorgenfrey line. Among other things, we show: (1) If X S has the Menger property, then X has Marczewski's property (s 0 ). (2) Let X be a zero-dimensional separable metric space. If X has a countable subset Q satisfying that X \ A has the Menger property for every countable set A ⊂ X \ Q, then there is an embedding e : X → R such that e(X) S has the Menger property. (3) For a Lindelöf subspace of a real GO-space (for instance the Sorgenfrey line), total paracompactness, total metacompactness and the Menger property are equivalent.