Most European documents highlight the importance of lifelong learning, which raises the question of the quality of its teaching. There are different types of lifelong learning focused on the specific competencies of the participants. The pedagogicalpsychological and didactic-methodological competencies are considered to be the basic ones. A large number of teacher education faculties in Croatia and in the world offer this kind of training in primary and secondary education to the teaching staff who did not have courses in educational and psychological studies in their undergraduate/graduate professional or university studies. Equally important is the training of the assistant teachers who work at universities and in professional or university studies and who have not attended the pedagogical-psychological group of courses. This need in education has been recognized by, among others, The Faculty of Teacher Education Osijek, which organizes this type of education. This study aims to explore the expectations of the participants of lifelong learning (Module B) in the Didactics course through on-line questionnaire on the basis of the comparative analysis of the two generations of participants and to explore whether their expectations have changed given the differences between the generations. In addition, the aim is to examine the participants' views on the length of the training, difficulty and volume of course obligations. The aim is also to examine whether the participants expect the Didactics course to be a model of teaching that they would copy at their faculties and to examine the type of teaching that the assistant teachers would like to have at their faculties. Results show that both generations of participants consider the Didactics course important and that it should represent a