Abstract. We study the existence and shape preserving properties of a generalized Bernstein operator B n fixing a strictly positive function f 0 , and a second function f 1 such that f 1 /f 0 is strictly increasing, within the framework of extended Chebyshev spaces U n . The first main result gives an inductive criterion for existence: suppose there exists a Bernstein operator B n : C[a, b] → U n with strictly increasing nodes, fixing f 0 , f 1 ∈ U n . If U n ⊂ U n+1 and U n+1 has a non-negative Bernstein basis, then there exists a Bernstein operator B n+1 : C[a, b] → U n+1 with strictly increasing nodes, fixing f 0 and f 1 . In particular, if f 0 , f 1 , ..., f n is a basis of U n such that the linear span of f 0 , .., f k is an extended Chebyshev space over [a, b] for each k = 0, ..., n, then there exists a Bernstein operator B n with increasing nodes fixing f 0 and f 1 . The second main result says that under the above assumptions the following inequalities hold