In the absence of any symmetry constraints we address universal properties of the boundary charge QB for a wide class of tight-binding models with non-degenerate bands in one dimension.We provide a precise formulation of the bulk-boundary correspondence by splitting QB via a gauge invariant decomposition in a Friedel, polarisation, and edge part. We reveal the topological nature of QB by proving the quantization of a topological index I = ∆QB −ρ, where ∆QB is the change of QB when shifting the lattice by one site towards a boundary andρ is the average charge per site. For a single band we find this index to be given by the winding number of the fundamental phase difference of the Bloch wave function between two adjacent sites. For a given chemical potential we establish a central topological constraint I ∈ {−1, 0} related to charge conservation and particlehole duality. Our results are shown to be stable against disorder and we propose generalizations to multi-channel and interacting systems.Introduction-Motivated by the discovery of the Quantum Hall effect [1,2], the search for materials with topological edge states (TESs) has become a very important field of condensed matter physics and quantum optics [3-9], see Refs. [10][11][12][13][14] for reviews and textbooks. Routinely, topological insulators are classified via their symmetry class and dimension [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24]. Topological invariants like Chern and winding numbers are established and can be used to predict TESs at the boundary of two materials with different topological indices. Recently, the classification has been extended to include inversion symmetry within the field of topological crystalline insulators (TCIs) [25][26][27][28][29][30]. Here, the Zak phase [31] is the topological invariant which, via the so-called modern theory of polarization [32][33][34][35][36], can be related to the boundary charge Q B [37][38]. However, since the Zak phase of an individual band is not gauge invariant an unknown integer of topological nature occurs in Q B . Away from symmetry restrictions, finite one-dimensional (1D) tightbinding models with a sinusoidal on-site potential were studied [39,40], where a continuous phase variable ϕ controls the offset of the potential. Surprisingly, in the long wavelength limit, Q B (ϕ) reveals a universal linear slope which was shown to be stable against disorder and to be related to the quantized Hall conductance. The linear behavior can be explained from classical charge conservation which, however, leaves again an unknown integer undetermined. Shifting the lattice adiabatically by one site towards a boundary of a half-infinite system, the boundary charge changes by the constant amount ∆Q B =ρ, whereρ is the average charge per site. This is a generalization of charge pumping [41,42], where the lattice is shifted by a whole unit cell such that the charge νe, given by the number ν of occupied bands, is shifted into