Since the dawn of the digital age, interactive virtual environments and electronic games have played a huge role in shaping our lives. Not only are they a source of entertainment but they also teach us important life skills such as strategic planning, collaboration, and problem solving. Therefore, online gamers expect their virtual environment to be aware of their situation (e.g., position in a game) and interact with them in natural language. In this talk, I describe novel techniques to generate text in a particular style. This talk provides an approach of generating engaging naturalistic conversation responses using knowledge generated by pre-trained language models, considering their recent success in a multitude of NLP tasks. The talk will conclude with exploring whether pretrained language models can be situated in these virtual spaces and generate dialogue in a zero-shot manner.Bio: Shrimai Prabhumoye is a research scientist at Nvidia. She got her PhD degree in computer science from the Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. She was advised by Prof. Alan Black and Prof. Ruslan Salakhutdinov. She work on controllable text generation with focus on style, content and structure. She is also exploring the ethical considerations of controllable text generation. She co-designed the Computational Ethics for NLP course which was offered for the first time in Spring 2018 at CMU.