Inves tigations by van del' Pol an d Humbert concernin g t he Bessel integral function of order zero ar e extended to Bessel fun ctions of other kinds and to function s r elated to Bessel functions.The B essel integral function of order zero, Various pl'oper ties of this function have been inves tigated by Hum.bed [4] . A number of definite in tegrals, especiall y of the Fourier or Laplace transform type, can be redu ced to (1). For this r eason tables of J io (x) have been publish ed previously [5]. Th e numerical computation of J io(x) requi res the transformation of the integ ral in (1) into an expression involving a series in either ascending powers (fo r not too la rge x) or descending powers (for large x) of the variable ]'. One of these expansions [4,6] is (3) where one can writeAn asymptotic expansion of J io(x) for large x [5 , 7] is listed in (6). The preparation of a set of numerical tables by the Computation Laboratory mad e it necessary to derive expansions of types (3) and (6) for functions defined similarly to (1) but with J o(t) r eplaced by another kind of B essel or related function. The establish ed results are listed below. (A list of nota,-tions and auxiliary formulas is given at the end of this paper.)Bo th these expressions correspond to (3) and are suitable fo r not too large x.For large x we have the asymptotic expansions of th e followin g functions:1 Ouest worker, NatIOnal Bureau of Standards, from The American University. 'Figures in brackets indicate the literature references at the end of this paper.