16 17 2 18Growth Patterns of birds, dinosaurs and reptiles: Are differences real or apparent?19 20 Abstract. Systematics of animals was done on their appearance or genetics. One can also ask 21 about similarities or differences in the growth pattern. Quantitative studies of the growth of 22 dinosaurs have made possible comparisons with modern animals, such as the discovery that 23 dinosaurs grew in relation to their size faster than modern reptiles. However, these studies 24 relied on only a few growth models. If these models are false, what about the conclusions?25 This paper fits growth data to a more comprehensive class of models, defined by the von 26 Bertalanffy-Pütter differential equation. Applied to data about dinosaurs, reptiles and birds, 27 the best fitting models confirmed that dinosaurs may have grown faster than alligators.28 However, compared to modern broiler chicken, this difference was small. 29 30 Key words: Bertalanffy-Pütter differential equation, Tenontosaurustilletti, Alligator 31 mississippiensis, Athens Canadian Random Bred strain of Gallus gallusdomesticus 32 33 ( , ) = min 0 , , ( ) 103 The optimization of p, q, m 0 used simulated annealing, whereby for a grid point near the 104 diagonal 50,000 annealing steps were used. For the subsequent grid points in the b-direction,105 these outputs were used as starting values and improved in 1,000 annealing steps. The output 106 was exported to a table in the format (a, b, m 0 , p, q, SSLE opt (a, b)). It is provided as a 107 supporting material. An exponent-pair was near-optimal, if its SSLE opt (a, b) exceeds the least 108 one by less than 5%.109
RESULTS110 The graphical representation of the results uses red for chicken, green for alligators and blue 111 for dinosaurs. Figure 2 plots the data and the best fitting growth curves in dimensionless 112 coordinates. Thereby, mass is reported as a fraction of the asymptotic mass m max . Given the 113 best fitting growth model, this is the limit of m(t), when time approaches infinity. Age is 114 reported as a fraction of "full age" t full , at which 90% of the asymptotic mass is reached. This 115 is used as a proxy for "adulthood". Thereby m max and t full were computed from the best fitting 116 model. Note the similarity of growth in terms of these dimensionless data.7 117 118 Figure 2. Growth data and best fitting growth curves in dimensionless coordinates (fraction of the 119 asymptotic massm max at a fraction of the full aget full ) for broiler chicken (red), alligators (green) and 120 dinosaurs (blue). For chicken and alligators, but not so for dinosaurs (larger spread of the data), the 121 data differed only slightly from the growth curves. Further, the curves were barely different.122 For chicken, results quoted from [18], the optimal model parameters (mass in gram, time in 123 days) were a = 0.89, b = 0.93, m 0 = 32.92 g, p = 1.0952, and q = 0.7988. This translated into 124 an asymptotic mass of 2.67 kg, an inflection-point at day 61 with890 g (33% of the 125 asymptotic mass) and the maximal w...