“…However, an abrupt withdrawal of long-term P-receptor blockade may precipitate a rebound phenomenon with serious ischaemic heart events in coronary patients (SLOME 1973, DIAZ et al 1973, ALDERMAN et al 1974, MIILER et al 1975. In contrast to the former recommendation to withdraw the (3-receptor blockade, especially before coronary artery surgery (VIIJOEN et al 1972(VIIJOEN et al , 1975, many authorities therefore nowadays consider it safer to continue the drug therapy (KAPLAN & DUNBAR 1976, SI.OGOFF et al 1978, ROBERTS 1980, CHUNC 1981. In general surgery, however, the large variety of applied surgical and anaesthetic techniques as well as the heterogeneous population of patients, seem to obscure the theoretical basis of such a clear-cut recommendation (HILLIS & COHN 1978).…”