Abstract-Positive chrono and inotropic responses to denopamine (TA-064, (-) (R)-1-(p-hydroxyphenyl)-2- [(3,4-dimethoxyphenethyl)amino] ethanol), a new and orally active cardiotonic agent, were investigated in the canine isolated right atrial or left ventricular preparation which was cross-circulated with blood from another support dog. Denopamine dose-dependently increased the sinus rate, right atrial and left ventricular contractile force. Denopamine was one to two orders of mag nitude less potent than isoproterenol. The positive chrono and inotropic effects of denopamine in isolated, blood-perfused right atria were dose-dependently in hibited by treatment with propranolol and atenolol. The effects of denopamine were only slightly attenuated by ICI 118,551 in doses which completely suppressed the positive chrono and inotropic effects of procaterol. The increases in sinus rate and atrial contractility induced by denopamine were partially but significantly attenuated by treatment with imipramine in a dose which suppressed the effects of tyramine and potentiated the effects of norepinephrine. These results indicate that denopamine is a highly selective beta-1 adrenoceptor agonist in isolated, blood perfused dog heart preparations, and they also suggest a mild catecholamine releasing activity through tyramine-like action in isolated right atria.Congestive heart failure is characterized by a state of insufficient cardiac output to fulfill the metabolic requirements of the body. One of the therapies for congestive heart failure is augmenting the cardiac pumping function (positive Inotropic action). Cardiac gly cosides are the drugs used for producing Positive inotropic effects, but their effec tiveness and safety remain controversial be cause of their toxicity. Some catecholamines such as dopamine and dobutamine, which have a strong positive inotropic effect, are clinically available only by intravenous ad ministrations. Therefore, potent positive Ino tropic drugs which are orally active and pos sess a wide margin of safety are of great interest in the treatment of heart failure.Recently, orally active positive Inotropic com pounds have been developed which have beta -sympathom1metic (1-4) or phosphodies terase inhibiting action (5-9), and these agents are structurally unrelated to cardiac gly cosides. Denopamine, a newly synthesized phenylethanolamine derivative, is the former type of cardiotonic agent. Ikeo et al. (10) have reported that, administered parenterally or orally, denopamine induced a significant dose-dependent increase in contractile force and dp/dtmax in the left ventricle with a little change in heart rate in anesthetized and con scious dogs.The cardiotonic effects of denopamine with a weak arrhythmogenic ac tivity were also demonstrated in guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, monkeys, rats and pigs (11)(12)(13)(14). Kino et al. (15) have revealed that the in travenous infusion of denopamine produced a To whom correspondence should be addressed.marked increase in dp/dtmax in the left ventri cle without sig...