Nucl. Data A9, 119 (1971). 'With the theoretical value (assumed exact) aT --0.1565 for the 158.6y, we would obtain nT(156.0y) = 46.28 + 0.14. (1971)."Hager and Seltzer employed a (2/3) value. The "correct" value probably lies between these extremes. See A. Rosen and I. Lindgren, Phys. Rev. 176, 114 (1968). ' We briefly note here that the Silv and Band values (based on the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac model) tend to be systematically = l%%uo lower than the Hager and Seltzer values. L. A. Sliv and I.A systematic study of P-decay energies has been made for mass-separated activities of Kr gaseous fission products and their daughters at the TRIsTAN on-line separator facility at the Ames Laboratory research reactor. A well-type plastic scintillator was used in coincidence with a Ge(Li) y detector to determine P-group end-point energies and deduce Q values, The following P-decay energies have been determined: "Kr, 2.93+ 0.03 MeV; "Rb, 5.30+ 0.06 MeV; "Kr, 4.93 + 0.06 MeV; ' Kr, 4.35+ 0.05 MeV; Rb, 6.32+ 0.07 MeV; 'Kr, 6.12+ 0.07 MeV; 'Rb, 5.68+ 0.04 MeV; 'Kr, 5.97 + 0.08 MeV; Rb, 7.58+ 0.15 MeV; Sr, 1.93+ 0.03 MeV; 'Kr, 8.3+ 0.5 MeV; and 'Rb, 7.23+ 0.10 MeV. The decay energies are compared with previous measurements, systematics predictions, and two currently accepted mass relations. The energies are used to predict the P-decay energies for 13 additional nuclei by means of systematics.