Atypctract. A new hematologic syndrome with phenotypic features of mild Hb H disease was identified in three children from two unrelated black American families. Erythrocytes from each of these children contained Hb H (04) and Hb Barts (74), as well as a slowly migrating hemoglobin fraction that made up 7-10% of the total hemoglobin. The parents ofthe affected children all showed mild thalassemia-like changes, with one ofthe parents in each family also expressing the variant hemoglobin; in the latter individuals the mutant a-chains made up <2% of the total, and were present mainly or exclusively in combination with 5-chains in the form of a slowly migrating Hb A2. Purified Hb Evanston showed an increased oxygen affinity, but its Bohr effect, cooperativity, and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate effect were normal. to heat and to isopropanol, and the stability of its a-chain in an extended time course synthesis study also appeared to be similar to that of aA. However, the results from short-term globin synthesis studies, and from mRNA translation in vitro, suggest that the two types of a-chains were synthesized at relatively equal rates, with a major fraction of the newly synthesized variant a-chains undergoing rapid catabolism. The hematologic data taken in combination with DNA hybridization and globin synthesis findings indicate that the proposita in each of these families has the genotype -,aAl/,aEv. These observations suggest that two separate mechanisms are contributing to the a-thalassemia-like expression of Hb Evanston: (a) the newly synthesized aEV-chains are unstable and are subject to early proteolytic destruction; and (b) the mutant a-allele is linked to an a-globin gene deletion.