Patients with cancer are prone to several debilitating effects due to chemotherapy or the disease itself. The behavioural disturbances experienced by patients with cancer include fatigue, insomnia, depression, and cognitive disturbances. These symptoms are very common and may persist for months or years even after completion of treatment and may affect patient's quality of life. Functional foods have long been linked to improve human performance and health, and hence are considered beneficial as part of the cancer patients' diet.Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) is one of high-nutrient vegetables used for salads and juices, and a valuable source of natural pigments. It belongs to the botanical order Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae, which is cultivated commercially. Beetroot, also known as table or garden beet, is usually grown for its roots. It has a characteristic earthy mushy aroma and flavour, mainly due to the presence of geosmin, a volatile bicyclic alcoholic compound [1]. Beetroot is known for its antioxidant activities and widely used as a remedy for a variety of ailments including cardiovascular-related conditions, anemia, sexual weakness and bladder stones [2]. Some recent clinical studies have also indicated the usefulness of beetroot in managing blood pressure and cardiovascular health [3][4][5][6]. Beetroot has also gained popularity as a supplement to boost energy and improve performance in athletes [7][8][9][10].Interestingly, in the Traditional Persian Medicine practices, beetroot is one of the foods used in the prevention and managing of metastatic progression of cancer [11]. It is also widely used in other medicinal systems including the Arab, traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. Beetroot, juiced or blended, is a popular functional food among breast, prostate and colorectal cancer patients as reported in Trinidad. A study at two clinical sites on the island revealed that beetroot is being consumed by patients for the purpose of treatment, health improvement and amelioration of side effects associated with chemotherapy treatment [12]. Similarly, beetroot is also the most frequently used alternative dietetic measure among patients with cancer in Germany [13] and among a majority of gastrointestinal cancer patients in Serbia [14].