An overview of the theory and phenomenology of hadrons and QCD is provided from a DysonSchwinger equation viewpoint. Following a discussion of the definition and realisation of light-quark confinement, the nonperturbative nature of the running mass in QCD and inferences from the gap equation relating to the radius of convergence for expansions of observables in the current-quark mass are described. Some exact results for pseudoscalar mesons are also highlighted, with details relating to the U A (1) problem, and calculated masses of the lightest J = 0, 1 states are discussed. Studies of nucleon properties are recapitulated upon and illustrated: through a comparison of the ln-weighted ratios of Pauli and Dirac form factors for the neutron and proton; and a perspective on the contribution of quark orbital angular momentum to the spin of a nucleon at rest. Comments on prospects for the future of the study of quarks in hadrons and nuclei round out the contribution.