Couples and individuals involved in the IVF process are faced with numerous challenges. One of the challenges is coping with stigma, which is especially prevalent in those societies in which the significance of procreation is emphasized. This paper will present the results of qualitative research on stigma perception – how women with IVF experience perceive and interpret the stigma related to IVF. 11 women were interviewed and the sample was provided in collaboration with the “Šansa za roditeljstvo” Association. The data were processed using thematic analysis. The respondents recognize that there is a stigma related to IVF, as well as a possible risk for their children who were conceived in this way being exposed to stigmatization. All the respondents live in big cities, which probably contributes to less exposure to stigma and a greater willingness to talk about this topic, while the respondents emphasized that stigmatization is much greater in smaller communities. Education and being well informed about IVF are recognized as possible ways of crossing the path from stigmatization to ‘normalization’ and greater acceptance of IVF. The research has provided initial insights into stigma perception and experience of individuals and couples involved in the IVF process. The results indicate that it is necessary to introduce systematic and continuous support in this field.