Editorial S1 Context and cooperation S3 Responsibility S4 Composition of the Guideline Group S4 Autonomy S4 Aims and method S4 Multimedication guideline S5 Summary S6 Prescription process S6 General measures for reducing undesirable multimedication S7 Multimedication guideline S8 Aims and target groups of the guidelines S8 Explanation S8 Key questions for general practitioners This journal is included in the abstracting and indexing coverage of the Bio-Sciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts, and is listed in Current Contents (Life Sciences), MEDLINE, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, SCOPUS. All articles published in the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics must be contributed to it exclusively. The following types of papers are acceptable: original papers, outline summaries of special problems, letters to the editor, short news items on new developments and other topics of current interest. All experimental data should be obtained from humans. Animal and in vitro investigations can be published only occasionally and only on condition that they have a close relationship to human pharmacological investigations. The editor responsible reserves the right of selection from submitted manuscripts (after consulting at least two reviewers) and the right to make stylistic changes or abridgements. The manuscripts may not be submitted elsewhere for printing or publication; following acceptance the publisher acquires all copyrights.