enhancement using diazomethane (TrEnDi) is a derivatization
technique that significantly enhances the signal intensity of glycerophospholipid
species in mass spectrometry (MS) and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS)
analyses. Here, we describe a novel apparatus that is able to conduct
in situ TrEnDi (iTrEnDi) by generating and immediately reacting small
amounts of gaseous diazoalkane with analyte molecules. iTrEnDi allows
complete and rapid methylation of phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine
(PE), phosphatidic acid (PA), and sphingomyelin (SM) in a safe manner
by removing any need for direct handling of dangerous diazoalkane
solutions. iTrEnDi-modified PC ([PCTr]+) and
PE ([PETr]+) showed similar sensitivity enhancements
and fragmentation patterns compared to our previously reported methodology.
iTrEnDi yielded dimethylated PA ([PATr]), which exhibited
dramatically improved chromatographic behavior and a 14-fold increase
in liquid chromatography MS (LCMS) sensitivity compared to unmodified
PA. In comparison to in-solution-based TrEnDi, iTrEnDi demonstrated
a modest decrease in sensitivity, likely due to analyte losses during
handling. However, the enhanced safety benefits of iTrEnDi coupled
with its ease of use and capacity for automation, as well as its accommodation
of more-reactive diazoalkane species, vastly improve the accessibility
and utility of this derivatization technique. Finally, as a proof
of concept, iTrEnDi was used to produce diazoethane (DZE), a more-reactive
diazoalkane than diazomethane. Reaction between DZE and PC yielded
ethylated [PCTr]+, which fragmented via MS/MS
to produce a high-intensity characteristic fragment ion, enabling
a novel and highly sensitive precursor ion scan.