“…Based on these observations, this paper first aims at showing how elite houses are material agents that constitute the transition from village life to modern/urban life and how this transition created stresses and ambiguities in human relationships that are directly involved in these changes. This approach has relevance for the literature first because the existing literature in the Mandara Mountains (Chétima, 2017, 2018b; Gavua, 1990; Lebeuf, 1961; Lyons, 1992; MacEachern and David, 2013; van Beek, 1986; Vincent, 1991; Seignobos, 1982) and generally in Africa (Blier, 1987; Lane, 2006; Lyons, 2007; Mercer, 2014; Nelson, 2007, Apotsos, 2016) has mainly focused on traditional architecture. Although this zone surfaced in the news as a hinterland of Boko Haram in neighboring Nigeria, the recent cultural and in particular architectural transformations have not received much attention (MacEachern, 2018; Seignobos, 2014).…”