The organisers of the Second Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing Performance (HotCloudPerf 2019) are delighted to welcome you to the workshop proceedings as part of the FAS*(IEEE ICAC/SASO) joint conference companion. The HotCloudPerf 2019 workshop is a full day workshop on Sunday, June 16, taking place as part of the FAS*(IEEE ICAC/SASO) conference week in Umea. Each year, the workshop chooses a focus theme to explore; for 2019, the theme is "Performance from the cloud datacenter to the edge." Cloud computing is emerging as one of the most profound changes in the way we build and use IT. The use of global services in public clouds is increasing, and the lucrative and rapidly growing global cloud market already supports over 1 million IT-related jobs. However, it is currently challenging to make the IT services offered by public and private clouds performant (in an extended sense) and efficient. Emerging architectures, techniques, and real-world systems include hybrid deployment, serverless operation, everything as a service, complex workflows, auto-scaling and-tiering, etc. It is unclear to which extent traditional performance engineering, software engineering, and system design and analysis tools can help with understanding and engineering these emerging technologies. The community also needs practical tools and powerful methods to address hot topics in cloud computing performance.