We study the signatures of the collective modes of a superfluid Fermi gas in its linear response functions for the order-parameter and density fluctuations in the Random Phase Approximation (RPA). We show that a resonance associated to the Popov-Andrianov (or sometimes "Higgs") mode is visible inside the pair-breaking continuum at all values of the wavevector q, not only in the (order-parameter) modulusmodulus response function but also in the modulus-density and density-density responses. At nonzero temperature, the resonance survives in the presence of thermally broken pairs even until the vicinity of the critical temperature T c , and coexists with both the Anderson-Bogoliubov modes at temperatures comparable to the gap Δ and with the low-velocity phononic mode predicted by RPA near T c. The existence of a Popov-Andrianov-"Higgs" resonance is thus a robust, generic feature of the high-energy phenomenology of pair-condensed Fermi gases, and should be accessible to state-of-the-art cold atom experiments. A primary way to probe the collective mode spectrum of a many-body system is by measuring the response functions of its macroscopic observables such as its density, or, in the case of a condensed system, its order parameter. These response functions can be measured by driving the system at a given wavenumber q and varying the drive frequency ω. In the theoretical case where the collective mode is undamped, one expects a infinitely narrow resonance (a Dirac peak) when ω coincides with the collective mode frequency ω q. However, in most systems, collective modes are coupled to one or several continua of excitations, for example by intrinsic couplings to other elementary excitations. The system response in this case is less abrupt: the response functions are nonzero at all frequencies ω belonging to the continuum and the Dirac peak of the collective mode is replaced, in the favorable cases, by a broadened resonance. Theoretically, this damped resonance can be related to the existence of a pole in the analytic continuation of the response functions through their branch cuts associated to the continua 1-3. Eventually, if the coupling to the continuum is very strong, the resonance may entirely disappear, such that only a slowly varying response remains visible inside the continuum. Superfluid Fermi gases, which one can form by cooling down fermionic atoms prepared in two internal states ↑ ↓ / 4-13 , offer a striking example of this fundamental many-body phenomenon. This system of condensed pairs of ↑ ↓ / fermions is described by 3 collective fields: the total density ρ of particles and the phase and modulus of the order-parameter Δ. In the general case, the fluctuations of those 3 fields are coupled and the collective modes have components on all of them. The system has also fermionic quasiparticles describing the breaking of pairs into unpaired fermions 14-17 , and two fermionic continua of quasiparticle biexcitations: a gapped quasiparticle-quasiparticle continuum and a gapless quasiparticle-quasihole continuum (to ...