A graph G is called chromatic-choosable if χ(G) = ch(G). A natural problem is to determine the minimum number of vertices in a k-chromatic non-k-choosable graph. It was conjectured by Ohba, and proved by Noel, Reed and Wu thatand G = K 4,2⋆(k−1) are k-chromatic graphs with V (G) = 2k + 2 that are not k-choosable. Some subgraphs of these two graphs are also non-k-choosable. The main result of this paper is that all other k-chromatic graphs G with V (G) = 2k+2 are k-choosable. In particular, if χ(G) is odd and V (G) ≤ 2χ(G) + 2, then G is chromatic-choosable, which was conjectured by Noel.