We study computable reducibility for computable isomorphic copies of the standard ordering of natural numbers. Following Andrews and Sorbi, we isolate the class of self-full degrees inside the induced degree structure Ω. We show that, over an arbitrary degree from Ω, there exists an infinite antichain of self-full degrees. This fact implies that the poset Ω has continuum many automorphisms. We prove that any non-self-full degree from Ω has no minimal covers, which implies that, inside Ω, the self-full degrees are precisely those elements that have a minimal cover. Bibliography: 18 titles.The paper studies computable reducibility for computable linear orders. Let R and S be binary relations on the set of natural numbers ω. The relation R is computably reducible to S (denoted by R c S) if there is a total computable function f (x) such thatIn this case, one also says that the function f is a computable reduction from R to S.The systematic study of computable reducibility for positive (computably enumerable) equivalence relations was initiated by Ershov [1] who constructed one of the first examples of a universal positive equivalence. Further developments led to sophisticated classifications for various * To whom the correspondence should be addressed.