We studied the effects of cyclic AMP (cAMP) on HCO3 transport by rabbit cortical collecting tubules perfused in vitro. Net HCO3 secretion was observed in tubules from NaHCO3-loaded rabbits. 8-Bromo-cAMP-stimulated net HCO3-secretion, whereas secretion fell with time in control tubules. Both isoproterenol and vasopressin (ADH) are known to stimulate adenylate cyclase in this epithelium; however, only isoproterenol stimulated net HCO3 secretion.The mechanism of cAMP-stimulated HCO3 secretion was examined. If both HCO3 and H+ secretion were to occur simultaneously in tubules exhibiting net HCO3-secretion, cAMP might increase the net HCO3-secretory rate by inhibiting H+ secretion, by stimulating HCO3 secretion, or both. These possibilities were examined using basolateral addition of the disulfonic stilbene (4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (DIDS). In acidifying tubules from NH4Cl-loaded rabbits, DIDS eliminated HCO3-reabsorption, a result consistent with known effects of DIDS as an inhibitor of H+ secretion. In contrast, cAMP left acidification (H+ secretion) intact. DIDS applied to HCO3 secretory tubules failed to increase the HCO3 secretory rate, indicating minimal H+ secretion in HCO3-secreting tubules. Thus, inhibition of H+ secretion by cAMP could not account for the cAMP-induced stimulation of net HCO3 secretion.cAMP-stimulated HCO3 secretion was reversibly eliminated by 0 Cl perfusate, whereas luminal DIDS had no effect. Bath amiloride (1 mM) failed to eliminate cAMP-stimulated HCO3 secretion when bath [Na'J was 145 mM or 5 mM. cAMP depolarized the transepithelial voltage. The collected fluid [HCO3j after cAMP could be accounted for by electrical driving forces, suggesting that cAMP stimulates passive HCO3 secretion. However, cAMP did not alter HCO3 permeability measured under conditions expected to inhibit transcellular HCO3 movement (O Cl-solutions and bath DIDS). This measured HCO3 permeability was not high enough to account, by passive diffusion, for the HCO3 fluxes observed in Cl--containing solutions.We conclude the following: 1) cAMP increased net HCO3 secretion by stimulating HCO3 secretion and not by