The GABA A channels are present in all neurons and are located both at synapses and outside of synapses where they generate phasic and tonic currents, respectively 4,5,6,7 The GABA A channel is a pentameric GABA-gated chloride channel. The channel subunits are grouped into 8 families (α1-6, β1-3, γ1-3, δ, ε, θ, π and ρ). Two alphas, two betas and one 3 rd subunit form the functional channel 8. By combining studies of sub-type specific GABA-activated single-channel molecules with studies including all populations of GABA A channels in the neuron it becomes possible to understand the basic mechanism of neuronal inhibition and how it is modulated by pharmacological agents.We use the patch-clamp technique 9,10 to study the functional properties of the GABA A channels in alive neurons in hippocampal brain slices and record the single-channel and whole-cell currents. We further examine how the channels are affected by different GABA concentrations, other drugs and intra and extracellular factors.
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Preparation of brain slices:Experiments are done on hippocampal brain slices from postnatal 16 -22 days old Wistar rats.1. Animals are sacrificed by decapitation in accordance with local ethical guidelines and approved animal care protocols. 2. Quickly remove the brain with a spatula and cut it along the midline with a surgical blade (# 24). Place each hemisphere on a Whatman filter paper with the cut facing the paper. 3. Put a drop of superglue on the specimen disk and place the hemisphere on top of it with the cut surface facing down. Place the specimen disk in the cutting chamber of the vibratome that is filled with an ice-cold artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF, please see here below 3.1). 4. Set the slice thickness to 400 μM and start cutting the brain. You will need to cut off approximately 2 mm of brain tissue before you reach the hippocampus. 5. The hippocampal slices are put into a glass petri plate filled with ACSF. The plate is placed on a black background (e.g. black paper) to allow easy visualization of the hippocampi. Isolate the hippocampus from the surrounding tissue using sharp surgical blades. Be careful not to push or pull the tissue. 6. Slices are then incubated in the ACSF solution at 37.0 °C for 1h and then stored at room temperature until experiments are done. During the one hour incubation the tissue recovers from the damage imposed by the cutting process.
Preparation of pipettes for patching:1. Pipettes are made from borosilicate glass capillaries. 2. The patch-pipettes are pulled on an automated or manual pipette pullers resulting in pipettes resistance of 2 -4 MΩ for whole cell recordings or 8 -20 MΩ for single-channel recordings when filled with the appropriate pipette solution and the bath solution being the ACSF (see below, 3.1). 3. The pipettes we use for single-channel recordings are polished using a microforge where the heat from a melted glass sitting on the platinum wire makes t...