Abstract-In this paper, we propose a novel WDM-PON architecture to support efficient and bandwidth-scalable virtual private network (VPN) emulation over both inter-PON and intra-PON. The virtual ring link for the VPN communications among ONUs is realized by using additionally low-cost optical passive components and OFDMA technology. Moreover, the downstream traffic wavelength is reused for the upstream traffic signal by using re-modulation technology. We report on a successful transmission of 10.7 Gbps OOK upstream and 10.7 Gbps DPSK downstream, together with 1.25 Gbps 16-QAM OFDM VPN traffic, over 20 km no-zero dispersion shifted fiber (NZDSF).
Keywords-Optical access networks; virtual private network (VPN); orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA); passive optical network (PON)