I schemic postconditioning (IPoC) reduces infarct size by attenuation of reperfusion injury 1 and is operative in all species studied so far, including humans. 2,3 The phosphorylation of RISK (reperfusion injury salvage kinases), ie, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B (PI3K-AKT), 4,5 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase/extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) (MEK1/2-ERK1/2), 6 p70 ribosomal S6 protein kinase (P70S6K), and glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)3 was proposed to be causal for protection by IPoC. 4 -7 Activation of sarcolemmal receptors projects through parallel pathways of either PI3K-AKT or MEK1/2-ERK1/2 onto P70S6K and ultimately on GSK3, which, when phosphorylated, inhibits mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening. 8 Whether specific RISK kinases or a concert of different RISK kinases confer the protection by postconditioning is less clear. 4,6,7,9,10 In 2 studies, there was RISK phosphorylation but no protection by postconditioning. 11,12 Most studies on the role of RISK in postconditioning were performed in rodent hearts, 4,6,7 which, apart from species differences to larger mammals including humans, may pose methodological limitations: the small amount of tissue available for Western blots permits neither determination of baseline values nor that of infarct size in an individual heart. The association of RISK phosphorylation with less infarction could therefore be cause or consequence of the observed protection.The present study evaluates the role of RISK for postconditioning in pigs. With regard to size, coronary anatomy, and heart rate, the pig heart resembles more closely the human heart than smaller species, and it permits taking multiple biopsies at different time points and determining infarct size in an individual heart.
Materials and MethodsThe experiments were performed in an established pig model of regional ischemia/reperfusion with infarct size determination and Western blot analysis (see the expanded Materials and Methods section in the online data supplement, available at http://circres. ahajournals.org).
Protocol 1IPoC (nϭ13) was induced by 6 cycles of 20 seconds of reperfusion and 20 seconds of reocclusion at the onset of reperfusion. Immediate full reperfusion (IFR) (nϭ15) was established for comparison.
Protocol 2In 8 animals, 4 with IPoC (B-IPoC) and 4 with IFR (B-IFR), the 2 major upstream RISK pathways PI3K-AKT and MEK1/2-ERK1/2 were blocked before the onset of reperfusion (see the online data supplement).
StatisticsData are meansϮSEM. Data were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA for repeated measures with least significant difference tests or doublesided t tests; PϽ0.05 was considered significant.