The article starts with a self‐contained brief overview of fundamental topics on nonlinear dynamics, chaos, and bifurcations, reaching out to the contemporary subjects of controlling chaos, controlling bifurcations, and anticontrolling chaos.The section on nonlinear dynamics includes basic concepts of nonlinear dynamical systems, equilibria, limit sets, attractors, periodic orbit, limit cycles, Poincaré maps, homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits, Lyapunov stabilities, and the orbital stability of dynamical systems.In the section on chaos theory, the concept of chaos and its dynamical features are first introduced, followed by some measures and testing methods of chaos. Fractals and chaos in control systems are briefly described. In parallel, the section on bifurcations introduces several typical types of bifurcations and the period‐doubling bifurcations route to chaos. Similarly, bifurcations in control systems are briefly discussed.The above prepared the readers to step forward into the new realm of research on controlling chaos and controlling bifurcations, presented in the following two sections. Why chaos control and why bifurcation control are first motivated, by both theoretical challenges and real‐world examples. Then, some effective chaos control and bifurcation control methodologies are introduced, respectively, with distinctions from conventional control theory and techniques for nonchaotic especially linear systems.The last section is novel and unique‐anticontrolling chaos in the sense of creating chaos or retaining chaos, by means of control, when chaos is beneficial. This topic has a great potential in nonconventional applications of control theory and practice, with a corpus of opportunities in future technology and engineering.