The dynamics of neurons
consist of oscillating patterns of a membrane
potential that underpin the operation of biological intelligence.
The FitzHugh–Nagumo (FHN) model for neuron excitability generates
rich dynamical regimes with a simpler mathematical structure than
the Hodgkin–Huxley model. Because neurons can be understood
in terms of electrical and electrochemical methods, here we apply
the analysis of the impedance response to obtain the characteristic
spectra and their evolution as a function of applied voltage. We convert
the two nonlinear differential equations of FHN into an equivalent
circuit model, classify the different impedance spectra, and calculate
the corresponding trajectories in the phase plane of the variables.
In analogy to the field of electrochemical oscillators, impedance
spectroscopy detects the Hopf bifurcations and the spiking regimes.
We show that a neuron element needs three essential internal components:
capacitor, inductor, and negative differential resistance. The method
supports the fabrication of memristor-based artificial neural networks.