Despite growing interest in developing cognitive training interventions to minimize the aging cognitive decline process, no studies have attempted to explore which brain regions support the application of semantic strategies during verbal memory encoding. Our aim was to investigate the behavioral performance and brain correlates of these strategies in elderly individuals using fMRI in healthy older subjects. Method: Subjects were scanned twice on the same day, before and after, directed instructions to apply semantic strategies during the encoding of word lists. Results: Improved memory performance associated to increased semantic strategy application and brain activity in the left inferior and middle and right medial superior prefrontal cortex were found after the directed instructions. There was also reduced activation in areas related to strategy mobilization. Conclusion: Improved memory performance in older subjects after the application of semantic strategies was associated with functional brain reorganization involving regions inside and outside the typical memory network.Keywords: older subjects, semantic strategies, fMRI, episodic memory.
RESUMOApesar do crescente interesse em intervenções de treinamento cognitivo para minimizar o declínio cognitivo do envelhecimento, nenhum estudo explorou quais regiões do cérebro estão relacionadas à aplicação de estratégias semânticas durante a codificação da memória verbal. Nosso objetivo foi investigar o comportamento e correlatos cerebrais associados a essas estratégias usando fMRI em idosos saudáveis. Método: Os sujeitos foram examinados no mesmo dia, antes e depois, de instruções dirigidas para aplicar estratégias semânticas durante a codificação de palavras. Resultados: Melhora da memória relacionada ao uso de estratégias semânticas e aumento da atividade no córtex prefrontal inferior e medial esquerdo e medial superior direito foram encontrados após as instruções. Também houve redução de ativação em áreas de mobilização de estratégias. Conclusão: A melhora da memória em idosos após o uso de estratégias semânticas estava associada à reorganização cerebral funcional envolvendo regiões dentro e fora da rede de áreas cerebrais típicas da memória.Palavras-chave: idosos, estratégias semânticas, fMRI, memória episódica.The aging process is associated with progressive decline in cognitive abilities such as memory, attention and executive function 1,2,3 . Therefore, older subjects commonly experience functional and cognitive losses which can affect quality of life, social interaction, and occupational performance. More recently, there has been a great concern with benign cognitive decline and the risk for developing mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia progression. As a consequence, there has been growing interest to explore non-pharmacological clinical interventions, particularly cognitive training, to minimize this process or improve some cognitive skills in older adults 4 . Episodic memory is the most commonly affected type of memory in aging 5,6 . The...