“…In Makassar, Indonesia, a 16-day-old girl has been reported with bilateral CA (Perkasa 2013). At Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia, there was only one case of bilateral CA throughout 2017 which is reported in this paper, a boy who was able to survive components, such as coloboma, heart deformity, choana atresia, stunted growth and development, genital abnormalities, and ear disorders (CHARGE), while Treacher Collins and Tessier syndromes are present in 4% of the cases (Bovo et al 2017, Maruvala et al 2017, Saitabau et al 2018, Wormald et al 2016. What the patient in this study had was bilateral CA with a facial deformity and congenital anomaly of lower extremities of CTEV.…”