Purpose To characterise and differentiate posterior microphthalmos (PM) and nanophthalmos (NO) using morphometric parameters. Patients and methods Consecutive case database of patients with hyperopia 4+7.00 D sphere was analysed retrospectively for clinical and biometric characterisation. Thirtyeight consecutive high-hyperopic subjects (75 eyes) with axial lengths o20.5 mm underwent uniform comprehensive ocular evaluation. Twenty-five subjects were diagnosed as PM and 13 as NO based on the horizontal corneal diameter. Parameters analysed included visual acuity, refraction, horizontal corneal diameter, anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, axial length, fundus changes, and associated ocular pathology. Primary outcome measures: ocular biometry difference between PM and NO. Secondary outcome measures: differences in associated ocular pathologies between PM and NO. Results Hyperopia ranged from +7 to +17 D and was similar in the two groups. Lens thickness was statistically more in NO than in PM group (4.53 ± 0.75 mm vs 3.82 ± 0.48 mm, P o0.001), whereas anterior chamber depth was more in the PM than in NO group (3.26 ± 0.36 mm, vs 2.59 ± 0.37 mm, Po0.001). NO had higher association with angle-closure glaucoma (66.7% vs 0%) and pigmentary retinopathy (38.5 vs 8.0%) but lesser association with macular folds (0% vs 24%) as compared with PM. NO was associated with poorer visual acuity.Conclusion PM and NO have significant differences in lens thickness, anterior chamber depth, prevalence of glaucoma, pigmentary retinopathy, macular pathology, and visual acuity while being similar in hyperopic refraction.