Introduction: Levosimendan is a positive inotropic molecule that does not reduce splanchnic circulation and has anti ischemic properties by opening mito KATP channels. Cirrhosis is a chronic and diffuse process characterized by fibrosis and the conversion of typical liver architecture into structurally abnormal nodules. In the late stages of the disease, cirrhosis is responsible for organ failure and complications such as cirrhotic cardiomyopathy and hepatic encephalopathy. Material and methods: We examined the effect of levosimendan in rat models of liver cirrhosis. Male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: Group A: cirrhotic rats 14 days after bile duct ligation (BDL); Group B: control (intact rats); Group A1: BDL and levosimendan (liver cirrhosis induced by bile duct ligation plus intraperitoneal administration of levosimendan); Group B1: control and levosimendan (intact animals with normal liver function treated with an intraperitoneal injection of levosimendan). Each group was subjected to blood sampling to determine GOT, GPT, and bilirubin at baseline, two weeks after surgery, and four days after treatment. In addition, echocardiography was performed in all the groups simultaneously. At the end of the experiments, the rats were subjected to cerebral and hepatic microdialysis and sacrificed. Results: Serum GOT, GPT, and bilirubin in Group A1 (GOT 304 UI/L, GPT 60 UI/L, BIL 3,9 mg/dl) were considerably lower than in Group A (GOT 320 UI/L, GPT 67,16 UI/L, BIL 6,4 mg/dl). The Ejection fraction value decreased significantly postoperatively in Group A (preop 55,66%, BDL 38,85%) and was highest after treatment with levosimendan (Group A1 48,38%). Significant histological differences were detected between the experimental groups (Group A Sheuer staging 3, severe fibrosis, Group A1 Sheuer staging 0-2 no, mild and moderate fibrosis). Group A had a higher value of Lactate, Pyruvate, Glycerol, and Glutamate cerebral microdialysate concentrations (Lac 0.37mM, Pyr 16.25 mcM, Glyc 15.72 mcM, Glut 15.8 mcM) in comparison with BDL rats treated with levosimendan (Group A1 - Lac 0.31 mM, Pyr 6.3 mcM, Glyc 13.66 mcM, Glut 11.15 mcM). Glucose concentrations in cerebral dialysate from Group A were significantly lower (0.13 mM) than in Group A1 (0.25 mM). Glucose and Glycerol concentrations in liver microdialysate from Group A were significantly lower (Gluc 0.95 mM, Glyc 1 mcM) than in Group A1 (Gluc 1.6 mM, Glyc 3.4 mcM). Conversely, in liver dialysate from Group A (0.52 mM), lactate was significantly higher than in Group A1 (0.35 mM). Conclusions: Our results suggest that levosimendan can be potentially protective for fibrotic liver and probably can prevent cirrhosis complication as cirrhotic cardiomyopathy and hepatic encephalopathy.