Background: Cholithiasis remains the leading cause of obstructive jaundice. A tendency to cholithiasis is suggested in women. However, the underlying risk factors and statistical conformation are lacking. Aims: Retrospectively describe and assess the causes of obstructive jaundice, as well as demonstrate the changes in laboratory parameters in response to treatment. Objectives: The study describes a sample of patients with obstructive jaundice due to various causes. Material and methods: A retrospective cohort study involved 101 patients with cholithiasis for the period 14.01.2016-13.04.2018 treated surgically and or conservatively. The study involved 60 (59.40594 %) men and 41 (40.59406 %) females aged 16 to 100 years (mean; 64.9901, Std Err: 1.53787). Of 101, 54 (53.46535 %) patients live in the city and 47 (46.53465 %) live in the village. The patients passed a full blood count and biochemical analysis for at least two times. Data were collected from the Mordovian Republic Hospital and retrospectively analyzed. The consent of the patients has been taken for scientific purposes to analyze and publish the results of the study. For statistical analysis, used T test, one way ANOVA test, and Spearman correlation test by using Statistica program. Results: By the etiology of obstructive symptoms, the frequency of gallstones is reported in 37 (36.63366%) patients, acute pancreatitis in 23 (22.77228%) patients, post-cholecystectomy syndrome (PCS) in 8 (7.92079 %) patients, Hilar cholangiocarcinoma (HC, Klatskin tumor) in 1 (0.99010 %) patient, pancreatic cancer in 12 (11.88119 %) patients, acute biliary pancreatitis in 8 (7.92079 %) patients, pancreatic pseudotumor in 4 (3.96040%) patients, acute cholecystitis in 3 (2.97030 %) patients, papillary tumor in 2 (1.98020 %) patients, and pancreatic cyst in 3 (2.97030%) patients. In male group, the mean age is 62.7805 years (min; max, 16.00000; 86.000) years, (median; Std Err, 66.0000; 2.40541). In the female group, the mean age is 66.5000 years (min; max, 24.00000; 100.000) years, (median; Std Err, 65.5000; 1.99300). Of 101 patients, 20 (19.80%) patients underwent surgical treatment and 81 (80.20%) patients did not require surgery. The mean total hospitalization days for patients who passed EPST surgery is 16.20000 days (Std Err 1.008850), CBD 21.50000 days (Std Err 1.565248), CDBD 25.00000 days, cholecystostomy 14.00000 days and hepaticocholecystoenterostomy 16.00000 days (Std Err 2.000000). In male group, the mean total hospitalization days 15.8537 (min; max, 5.00000; 30.000) days, (median; Std Err, 15.0000; 0.89071). In the female group, the mean total hospitalization days 14.0833 (min; max, 6.00000; 29.000) days, (median; Std Err, 13.5000; 0.68901). A direct association between the glucose value and the age, the correlation coefficient value -0.961980. Conclusions: Tendency to the early occurrence of obstructive jaundice symptoms in men compared to women. In treatment plans, men and females required the same total hospitalization days. The incidence rate of cholithiasis in females is higher than in males. Other findings: A straight association between age and the etiology of obstructive jaundice symptoms as well as a straight association between total hospitalization days and the type of surgery.