A prospective study was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) using a non-water bath lithotripter in combination with oral chemolitholysis on gallstone clearance. Patients were treated without general anesthesia or parenteral analgesia. We treated 74 patients selected according to the widely accepted criteria. Only 2 patients could not be sufficiently treated because of pain. After a 2 year period, 24 (32%) patients showed complete stone clearance, 35 (47%) patients had residual fragments, 5 (7%) patients underwent cholecystectomy, 2 (3%) patients were lost to follow up, and 8 (11%) patients discontinued the treatment before fragment clearance. According to the life-table estimate, 77% of our patients with successful ESWL and uncomplicated oral chemolitholysis are stonefree after 1 year. We consider the major advantage of this nonsurgical treatment of gallstone disease is that general anesthesia or parenteral analgesia has become unnecessary.