h i g h l i g h t sPlatichthys flesus muscle, liver and gills were analysed for PCBs and HCB. P. flesus was analysed along its lifespan, liver presented the highest concentration. P. flesus HCB concentration increased in the 3 tissues along the species lifespan. P. flesus PCB concentration decreased in the 3 tissues along the species lifespan. P. flesus is considered safe for human intake, regarding PCBs and HCB. a r t i c l e i n f o
t r a c tPolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) are organic contaminants that tend to accumulate in fish. Estuaries are exposed to high anthropogenic activities, therefore tending to accumulate more contaminants than the adjacent coastal waters. Platichthys flesus, a fish with high economic value, was analysed for PCBs and HCB along its different age groups, in liver, gills, gonads and muscle. Younger fishes were caught in the estuary, whereas older fishes were caught in the adjacent coastal waters and acquired at Figueira da Foz Regional Office of Docapesca-Portos e Lotas, SA. Both contaminants concentrations follow the pattern: liver > gills > muscle. Hepatosomatic index had the lowest values in younger fishes and the highest values in older fishes. Condition factor values remain stable with age. Younger fishes had higher PCBs concentrations than the older fishes. In opposition HCB was only detected in fish from 3+ to 5+ and its concentration tended to increase with age. Overall P. flesus is considered safe for human intake.