We introduce a new comparison principle for exponential sums over finite fields in order to study "sum-product" sheaves that arise in the study of general bilinear forms with coefficients given by trace functions modulo a prime q. When these functions are hyper-Kloosterman sums with characters, we succeed in establishing cases of this principle that lead to non-trivial bounds below the Pólya-Vinogradov range. This property is proved by a subtle interplay betweenétale cohomology in its algebraic and diophantine incarnations. We give a first application of our bilinear estimates concerning the first moment of a family of L-functions of degree 3.When facing such problems, one is often led to the problem of bounding non-trivially some bilinear forms BpK, α, βq " ÿ ÿ mďM,nďN α m β n Kpmn; qq,where the ranges of the variables M, N ě 1 usually depend on q, and α " pα m q mďM , β " pβ n q nďN are complex numbers which, depending on the initial problem, are quite arbitrary. One of the main objectives is to improve on the trivial boundfor ranges of M and N that are as small as possible compared to q; indeed, this uniformity is often more important than the strength of the saving compared to the trivial bound. A natural benchmark is the Pólya-Vinogradov method, which often provides non-trivial bounds as long as M, N ě q 1{2 . Indeed, obtaining a result below that range is usually extremely challenging. When the modulus q is composite, a number of techniques exploiting the possibility of factoring q (starting with the Chinese Remainder Theorem) become available, and results exist in fair generality.In this paper, we will only consider the case where q is a prime, and when K is a trace function (see [FKM14b] for a background survey).The landmark result in this setting is the work of Burgess [Bur62], which provides a non-trivial bound for the sum ÿ nďN χpnq when χ is a non-trivial Dirichlet character modulo q and N ě q 3{8`η , for any η ą 0. This is therefore well below Pólya-Vinogradov range. The ideas of Burgess (especially the "`ab shifting trick") combine successfully the multiplicativity of χ and the (almost) invariance of intervals by additive translations. Another twist of Burgess's method was given by the works of Karatsuba and Vinogradov, Friedlander-Iwaniec [FI85] and subsequently Fouvry-Michel [FM98] to bound non-trivially the bilinear sums BpK, α, βq for various choices of functions K and ranges M, N shorter than q 1{2 . In particular, using some version of the Sato-Tate equidistribution laws due to Katz [Kat90], Fouvry and Michel considered Kpx; qq " e´x k`a x q¯, k P Z´t0, 1, 2u, a P Fq , px, qq " 1, and proved that for any δ ą 0, there exists η ą 0 such that,as long asThe condition M N ě q 3{4`δ is believed to be a barrier in this setting analogous to the condition N ą q 1{4`δ in the Burgess bound for short character sums.In our previous paper [KMS17], motivated by the study of moments of L-functions (especially in our papers with Blomer, Milićević and Fouvry [BFK`17, BFK`]), we obtained bounds of type (1.1) whe...