High productivity of rolling and pipe rolling mills, good quality of finished metal products is possible to provide in the presence of powerful heating furnaces, well heating the metal with minimal oxidation and decarburization. Such conditions are provided by ring furnaces which are widely used for heating the preparations at rolling of pipes, wheels and bands of the railway rolling stock. The purpose of the heat – receiving structure of the metal, providing a set of physical and working properties, or impart to these materials the ductility required for subsequent machining. The article deals with the design and thermal performance of the ring furnace operating at ChelPipe’s Pipe Rolling Plant No.2. The problems arising during the operation of the thermal unit are analyzed. The paper describes the calculation of heating of metal and heat balance of the ring furnace. In the course of the analysis of the results of design studies, the shortcomings of the existing heat recovery system are revealed and measures for the reconstruction of the furnace to reduce fuel consumption and increase productivity (replacement of the existing brick lining with fibrous, the use of regenerative burners, the use of non-water-cooled partitions, etc.) are proposed. The paper analyzes the design and thermal performance of the ring furnace for heating of pipe billets before rolling. It shows a heat balance of the ring heating furnace and provides measures for furnace reconstruction aimed at reduction in fuel consumption and increase in efficiency: replacement of the existing lining with fiber lining, use of regenerative burners, application of non-water cooled walls.