We present a code for solving the single-particle, time-independent Schrödinger equation in two dimensions. Our program utilizes the imaginary time propagation (ITP) algorithm, and it includes the most recent developments in the ITP method: the arbitrary order operator factorization and the exact inclusion of a (possibly very strong) magnetic field. Our program is able to solve thousands of eigenstates of a two-dimensional quantum system in reasonable time with commonly available hardware. The main motivation behind our work is to allow the study of highly excited states and energy spectra of two-dimensional quantum dots and billiard systems with a single versatile code, e.g., in quantum chaos research. In our implementation we emphasize a modern and easily extensible design, simple and user-friendly interfaces, and an open-source development philosophy. Nature of problem: Numerical calculation of the lowest energy solutions (up to a few thousand, depending on available memory), of a single-particle, time-independent Schrödinger equation in two dimensions with or without a homogeneous magnetic field. Solution method: Imaginary time propagation (also known as the diffusion algorithm), with arbitrary even order factorization of the imaginary time evolution operator. Additional comments: Please see the README file distributed with the program for more information. The source code of our program is also available at https: //bitbucket.org/luukko/itp2d. Running time: Seconds to hours, depending on system size.