The sluggish adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) is attributable to various technical, managerial, personnel, procedural, and institutional issues encountered by an organization within which such adoption takes place. However, these issues are under researched from a holistic perspective. Based on a proposed human-organization-technology fit (HOT fit) model, this paper aims to study the impacting factors of HOT fit in BIM adoption within construction project organizations (CPOs). It operationalized the HOT fit of 14 BIM case projects using social network analysis (SNA) methods and investigated how the different factors impact the HOT fit and its three sub-dimensions, i.e., Human-Technology (HT) fit, Organization-Technology (OT) fit, and Human-Organization (HO) fit using comparative case study. It is found that the project size has significantly negative relations with HOT fit, HT fit, and OT fit; while hierarchy steepness has positive correlations with HT fit, OT fit, and HO fit. OT fit is also found to have a weakly negative relationship with BIM level of details (LODs). A joint factor analysis further discloses that flatter the hierarchy, the larger the project size, and the higher the BIM LOD, the more difficult to achieve a high HOT fit, HT fit, or OT fit. Thus, CPOs should use steeper hierarchical structure and take a progressive BIM adoption strategy by adopting from smaller projects and/or lower LODs. This research empirically examined how project organizational and technological factors can impact BIM adoption. The HOT fit model can help CPOs evaluate their general HOT fit status, redesign optimal HOT configuration, diagnose the problems when the HOT fit is not ideal, and make strategic directions to better harvest the benefits of BIM. Limitations and future research directions are also identified.