an important transformation for the fine chemical and pharmaceutical industries, and is also considered an important enabler for chemical energy conversion and especially for the upgrading of biomass feedstock to value-added chemicals. [1] In particular, the selective hydrodeoxygenation of renewable platform chemicals such as furfural, hydroxymethylfurfural and vanillin has attracted tremendous attention in the past years. [2] This requires selectively hydrodeoxygenating aromatic aldehydes, while leaving the aromaticity of the ring untouched. To provide alternatives to stoichiometric methods that involve toxic reagents and hazardous wastes (Wolff-Kishner, [3] Clemmensen [4] ), recent efforts focused on the development of catalytic systems possessing such reactivity. While noble metal catalysts often suffer from low selectivity due to undesired aromatic hydrogenation, [5] promising results for the selective reduction of aromatic carbonyls have been obtained using bimetallic nanoparticles as well as 3d metal catalysts. [6] However, the development of catalytic systems fulfilling the requirements of high yields, selectivity, stability, productivity, safety, and environmental compatibility remains a challenge. [7] In addition, with the rise of alternative renewable energy sources, the permanent evolution of catalysts and catalytic processes is crucial to face the inevitable variations in electricity production. In particular, energy efficiency, benignity of reaction conditions, and adaptivity to intermittent energy supply are parameters of ever-increasing importance. [8] In this context, magnetic induction offers the possibility to heat directly magnetic nanoparticles (e.g., catalysts) in an extremely localized, rapid, and energy efficient manner, saving the need to heat the complete reactor environment (solvent, reactor parts, etc.). [8c,9] In turn, this may result in milder overall process temperatures and lower energy consumption. In addition, the rapid heating and cooling of nanoparticles activated by magnetic induction is of great interest to address the challenges associated to the use of fluctuating renewable energy. Magnetic induction is a mature technology that is used for decades also on industrial scale (e.g., metallurgy), and that can thus offer promising new perspectives for process intensification, in particular of small to medium-size processes requiring constant heating.Copper-decorated iron carbide nanoparticles (Cu@ICNPs) are prepared following an organometallic approach, producing a multifunctional catalytic system that can be heated magnetically. ICNPs act as heating agents, generating thermal energy from the alternating current magnetic field in an extremely localized, rapid, and efficient manner, thereby heating and activating the catalytically active Cu-containing NPs present at their surface. Upon exposure to magnetic induction, the Cu@ICNPs catalyst is capable of selectively hydrodeoxygenating aromatic aldehydes under mild observable conditions (≈100 °C, 3 bar H 2 ), without hydrogenatio...