We investigate the problem of fast direct access to elements of an integer sequence given in a compressed form. If integers are sorted in ascending order, it can be reduced to performing the 'select' operation on a bitmap, which is very well investigated. We focus on more general and more complicated case of unordered integer sequence and propose to represent it with the help of variable-length Reverse Multi-Delimiter (RMD) codes. When applied to data compression, these codes combine a good compression ratio with fast decoding. In this paper, another property of RMD-codes is researched - the ability of direct access to codewords in the encoded bitstream. We present the method allowing us to extract and decode a codeword from an RMD-bitstream in almost constant time and make experiments on its application to natural language text compression. Due to properties of RMD-codes and compactness of auxiliary direct access structures our method appears to be very space efficient requiring only a few percent excess over the entropy.