Hydrogenic donor impurity binding energy is obtained in a ZnxCd1−xTe/ZnTe strained quantum dot taking into account the phonon connement eect. The interaction of the electron and the phonon modes are expressed in terms of the Fröhlich interaction Hamiltonian. The binding energy is obtained for various Zn composition using the AldrichBajaj eective potential. Calculations have been obtained using the Bessel function as an orthonormal basis for dierent connement potentials of barrier height considering the internal electric eld induced by the spontaneous and piezoelectric polarizations. Polaron induced linear and third-order nonlinear optical absorption coecients and the changes of refractive index as a function of incident photon energy are observed. Our results coincide with the recent observations of a hydrogenic impurity binding energy in a CdTe/ZnTe quantum dot solved analytically. It is observed that the potential taking into account the eects of phonon makes the hydrogenic binding energies larger than the obtained results using a Coulomb potential screened by a static dielectric constant and the optical properties of hydrogenic impurity in a quantum dot are strongly aected by the conning potential and the quantum size. It is found that the geometry of the quantum dot, zinc concentration and the eect of phonon have a great inuence on the absorption coecient and refractive index changes of the dot. It is also observed that the magnitude of the absorption coecients enhances with the inclusion of phonon eect.