Summary. Effect of amiloride, ouabain, and Ba ++ on the nonsteady-state Na-K pump flux and short-circuit current in isolated frog skin epithelia.The active Na § transport across isolated frog skin occurs in two steps: passive diffusion across the apical membrane of the cells followed by an active extrusion from the cells via the Na + -K + pump at the basolateral membrane. In isolated epithelia with a very small Na § efflux, the appearing Na+-flux in the basolateral solution is equal to the rate of the pump, whereas the short-circuit current (SCC) is equal to the active transepithelial Na § transport. It was found that blocking the passive diffusion of Na § across the apical membrane (addition of amiloride) resulted in an instantaneous inhibition of the SCC (the transepithelial Na + transport, whereas the appearing flux (the rate of the Na + -K + pump) decreased with a halftime of 1.9 min. Addition of the Na+-K + pump inhibitor ouabain (0.1raM) resulted in a faster and bigger inhibition of the appearing flux than of the SCC. Thus, by simultaneous measurement of the SCC and the appearing Na + flux one can elucidate whether an inhibitor exerts its effect by inhibiting the pump or by decreasing the passive permeability. Addition of the K ~-channel inhibitor Ba ++, in a concentration which gave maximum inhibition of the SCC, had no effect on the appearing flux (the rate of the Na-K pump) in the first 2 rain, although the inhibition of the SCC was already at its maximum.It is argued that in the short period, where the Ba ++-induced inhibition of SCC is at its maximum and the appearing flux in unchanged, the decrease in the SCC (ASCC) is equal to the net K + flux via the Na+-K + pump, and the coupling ratio (fl) of the Na +-K + pump can be calculated from the following equation t3 = SCC~= 0/'zlSCC where SCC,_ 0 is the steady-state SCC before the addition of Ba ++.
Key wordsfrog skin 9 sodium flux 9 ouabain , amiloridebarium