A ,~beatchard plot for the strongly bound Etd'* m d垄ionized baeterlorhodopstn (bg) was mad~ usln~ a m~thod based on mcusurinj the e*~ncerttral ion of unbound Eu )" from its fluoresc漏nce intensity. The results suttgest that the first mole of Eu r' added to a mole of bR is st rongly hound by disphetn~ 2.o~3 protons, In order to reconcile thi~ result with the previous time-resolved lluore~eenee studt~s ~n Etr~".re~enerated t~g. which showed the pras.once of 3 sites of comp:~rable binding 垄ot'lstants, one is forged to eonelutle that the emission from the strongly bound Eu ~-is completely quenched e.lt. by energy transfer to the retinal, For this to take ~1~;,,,, the ~'.d* must he within .. few A from the retinal, i,~. within the retinal pocket (the active site), The possible importance of this coft垄lusion to the deprotonation mechanism of the protonatcd $垄hiff bets垄, the switch of th~ proton pump in bE. is discussed, Cation binding; Bacteriorhodopsin: Eu3" luminescence: Scratehard plot