6Although the influence of protein binding (PB) on antibacterial activity has been reported for many antibiotics and over many years, there is currently no standardization for pharmacodynamic models that account for the impact of protein binding of antimicrobial agents in vitro. This might explain the somewhat contradictory results obtained from different studies. Simple in vitro models which compare the MIC obtained in protein-free standard medium versus a protein-rich medium are prone to methodological pitfalls and may lead to flawed conclusions. Within in vitro test systems, a range of test conditions, including source of protein, concentration of the tested antibiotic, temperature, pH, electrolytes, and supplements may influence the impact of protein binding. As new antibiotics with a high degree of protein binding are in clinical development, attention and action directed toward the optimization and standardization of testing the impact of protein binding on the activity of antibiotics in vitro become even more urgent. In addition, the quantitative relationship between the effects of protein binding in vitro and in vivo needs to be established, since the physiological conditions differ. General recommendations for testing the impact of protein binding in vitro are suggested.Binding to plasma proteins plays a major role in drug therapy as this binding provides a depot for many compounds, affects pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of drugs, and may influence the metabolic modification of ligands (34,104). Protein binding (PB) of antibiotics may affect the efficacy of antimicrobial therapy in two ways. First, only the non-protein-bound fraction of a drug in plasma can penetrate into and equilibrate with the extravascular space (13). Penetration into the extravascular space is highly important for antimicrobial therapy, as the majority of bacterial and fungal infections occur in the interstitial fluid of tissues or in other body fluids than blood (113). PB also affects drug clearance from the body. For antibiotics eliminated by tubular secretion or hepatic metabolism, high PB is associated with lowered drug elimination. Additionally, PB negatively correlates with glomerular filtration, since only the free drug is filtered (63). On the other hand, small fluctuations in protein binding usually have no effect on average unbound concentrations, and this is especially the case for drugs with a low extraction ratio (11). Changes in protein binding can also alter the volume of distribution and, hence, the half-life, which may, in turn, modify the time above MIC. Extensive reviews on the impact of PB on pharmacokinetics of drugs are available (12,13,27,29,82,86).The second effect of PB is demonstrated by the impact on the antibacterial activity. Over many decades, various methods were used to show that only the non-protein-bound fraction of an antibiotic is microbiologically active (10,28,70,111). For important antibiotic classes, such as penicillins and quinolones, clear relationships between the percenta...