We have compared mitochondrial transcripts from yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D273-10B grown in the presence of 2 % galactose (non-repressed cells) or IS "/, glucose (glucose-repressed cells).The ethidium-bromide-stained electrophoretic pattern of mitochondrial RNAs from glucose-repressed cells shows a clear decrease of tRNAs. In addition, some RNA bands appear to be specific for a single growth condition. To identify these RNA species we have performed hybridization experiments with 32P-labelled mitochondrial DNA from petite mutant cells. The mitochondrial repeat units of the mutants retained only one of the following genes: oxil, oxi2, oxi3, oli2, cob and o l d . Unchanged amounts of oxi2 and 01i2 transcripts and reduced concentrations of olil and oxil putative mRNAs are present in glucose-repressed cells. In the same growth condition we observe a decreased processing of a precursor RNA species from the split cob gene and reduced amounts of transcripts corresponding to the first, second and fifth intron of the split oxi3 gene. The oxi3 first and second introns, whose transcripts are the most variable, include long open reading frames in their nucleotide sequence, but at present it is not known whether the corresponding RNA species have a functional role. Our results show that their concentrations are related to the growth condition.The growth of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a medium containing a high concentration of glucose results in a very strong decrease of respiration [l]. Many enzymes involved in the respiratory catabolism of glucose are actually inactivated and their synthesis is absent or reduced to undetectable levels [2,3]. Morphological changes of yeast mitochondria related to the glucose-repressed growth condition have also been described [4]. The mitochondrial protein synthesis [ 5 ] and the level of mitochondrial RNA polymerase [6] are lowered; however, all the mitochondrially coded proteins are synthesized [7]. In addition, the acylatable form of mt-tRNAs"' is not detectable in resting repressed cells [8]. The release from glucose repression results in the increase of mtRNA polymerase concentration [6] and of mitochondrial protein synthesis [ S ] ; the respiratory catabolism of the carbon source is also restored [2].Glucose repression (and the release from it) in S. cerevisiue involves a coordinated expression of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes IS].In order to understand better the molecular events involved in this phenomenon, we compared the mitochondrial transcripts obtained from glucose-repressed cells with those observed in non-repressed conditions [lo]. The physiological meaning of the observed differences is also discussed.
Strains and Culrure ConditionsThe haploid strain D273-10B was grown aerobically at 28 "C in a medium containing 1 "/, yeast extract, 1 peptone and 2 % galactose or 15% glucose. Mid-exponential phase cells were harvested and used to prepare mtRNAs (see below).The rho-strains, kindly provided